Miss America became a partner with Amway Global who features products from the Artistry Skin Care and Cosmetics line. A friend from college had started a business through Amway and wanted to know if I would be willing to host a party. With the schedule I lead, a home party wasn't really possible, but an event would be. So together we started planning and decided on a date and location for the "Beauty Break by Artistry."
Some from out of state that are also associated with the business came to support this endeavor by the Pauleys and although we didn't have the turnout that we were hoping for, it was all worth it in the end. I was able to become closer with Mark and his wife Crystal as well as meet some other wonderful people that are also associated with Amway Global. So, in the end it was a win-win situation.
PS: Women, I was able to try out some of the products and I fell in love with the Time Defiance Skin Care line. Sp if you too are interested in using the AWESOME Artistry products please do contact Crystal and Mark Pauley at: cng2121@gmail.com.
My mother in law is a part of Amway Global and sells Artistry, it's the only face product that I use! :-) Works wonders!